Cost-effective, sustainable and responsible extraction routes
for recovering distinct critical metals and industrial minerals
as by-products from key European hard-rock lithium projects

Juha Kaija, Senior specialist, Energy & Construction Solutions Unit, Geological Survey of Finland. His background is in Quaternary geology and hydrogeohemistry (M.Sc. University of Oulu, Finland). Juha commenced permanent work at GTK in 1995 as a Research Scientist in uranium migration studies at GTK´s Nuclear Waste Disposal Research Unit. Since 2005 he coordinated several EU funded research projects related to the groundwater research, arsenic pollution & remediation, mineral resources, new mineral exploration techniques as well as policy projects related to the mining regions and mineral intelligence. Besides coordination, since 2008 he participated as one of the main writer to fifteen successful EU proposals whose total worth is about 85 million euros. His specialty is the project management and coordination. Currently he coordinates the EIT RawMaterials project MinExTarget – Enhanced Use of Heavy Mineral Chemistry in Exploration Targeting, and Horizon Europe ISLANDR – INFORMATION-BASED STRATEGIES FOR LAND REMEDIATION, and is a WP leader in Horizon Europe project EIS – Exploration Information System.